From: (Donna Callison)
Date: Tue, 29 Sep 1998 22:51:32 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: Recon '98 - WOW!!!!!!!
Hey Squad-
Esther/Bob checking in after the weekend of my life! What an
incredible experience that will long live in my heart.
I echo the other posts so far about the great job done by all the
volunteers. However, I must convey my own personal regard and thanks for
an amazing effort. All of your hard work and devotion to having nothing
less than a first-class time is appreciated. The only suggestion I
would have had was more time--I believe Recon '98 should have lasted, oh
let's say, may be 2, 3 months--at least! I mean I'm game to sit and
watch Combat! till I'm brain dead. Noble cause and all. And, yes, I
was the lucky winner of the raffle of our Saunders picture. Even in his
grubby, dirty uniform, he's still a major hubba-hubba! He now keeps me
company in my TV room while watching Combat!
Brian Benedict of Encore Action setting up interview with
Dick Peabody in WWII jeep. Patrols heading into woods in background.
Jeep courtesy of fan Craig Covner.
I must also speak about Hanley, Caje, Billy and Littlejohn who
were all so generous with themselves and time. I can remember watching
Combat! when it was on--this is THE show for me where I completely
bought into the characters and the storyline. I loved the guys of King
Company and felt every degree of pain right along with them when they
were shot up and wounded. This affection for them was easy to
acquire--after all they were all kind, sensitive men who looked out for
the other guy. Too often fans are disappointed to meet their idols face
to face only to find themselves wondering how their big egos and heads
managed to fit through the door. What an incredible experience for me
to meet some of the members of the beloved King Company to find them to
be just as humble and lovable in real life. They were all filled with
so many stories about Combat! and their life's journeys in general and
eager and willing to share .. and share...and share. I lost count of
the number of times during the weekend I pinched myself cause I thought
I was dreaming. It was an honor, privilege and joy to be around them
for those 3 amazing days.
And, to my fellow Recon'ers - it was a lot of fun to meet you and
put a face with the call sign. You are all first class and loads of
fun. As Bob Hope used to say, 'Thanks for the memories.'
Esther/Bob, feeling choked up again, out.